Por Ricardo Seelig
Em agosto de 2010, a Rolling Stone norte-americana publicou uma lista com quais seriam, na opinião dos editores da revista, as 100 melhores canções dos Beatles.
Confira abaixo a lista – a primeira colocada não poderia ser outra, não é mesmo? - e conte pra gente, nos comentários, quais são as suas faixas prediletas do Fab Four:
1. A Day in the Life
2. I Want to Hold Your Hand
3. Strawberry Fields Forever
4. Yesterday
5. In My Life
6. Something
7. Hey Jude
8. Let it Be
9. Come Together
10. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
11. A Hard Day’s Night
12. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
13. Revolution
14. She Loves You
15. Help!
16. I Saw Her Standing There
17. Ticket to Ride
18. Tomorrow Never Knows
19. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
20. Please Please Me
21. All You Need is Love
22. Eleanor Rigby
23. Abbey Road Medley
24. Happiness is a Warm Gun
25. Here, There, and Everywhere
26. If I Fell
27. You’re Going to Lose That Girl
28. Here Comes the Sun
29. Can’t Buy Me Love
30. We Can Work it Out
31. You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
32. Penny Lane
33. I Am the Walrus
34. Eight Days a Week
35. Paperback Writer
36. I Should Have Known Better
37. She Said She Said
38. Blackbird
39. Day Tripper
40. For No One
41. Get Back
42. I Feel Fine
43. Drive My Car
44. All My Loving
45. No Reply
46. Don’t Let Me Down
47. Things We Said Today
48. The Ballad of John and Yoko
49. The Night Before
50. Got to Get You Into My Life
51. If I Needed Someone
52. Helter Skelter
53. It Won’t Be Long
54. Two of Us
55. Taxman
56. I’m Down
57. I’m Only Sleeping
58. I’ve Just Seen a Face
59. I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
60. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
61. With a Little Help From My Friends
62. Girl
63. Dear Prudence
64. I’ve Got a Feeling
65. And I Love Her
66. Nowhere Man
67. Oh! Darling
68. Baby, You’re a Rich Man
69. Julia
70. You Can’t Do That
71. I’m a Loser
72. From Me to You
73. Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey
74. Yellow Submarine
75. Think for Yourself
76. Yer Blues
77. Because
78. And Your Bird Can Sing
79. I’ll Follow the Sun
80. Mother Nature’s Son
81. Hey Bulldog
82. She’s Leaving Home
83. I’m So Tired
84. Across the Universe
85. Back in the USSR
86. Lady Madonna
87. Love Me Do
88. Rain
89. Good Day Sunshine
90. The Long and Winding Road
91. Every Little Thing
92. Dig a Pony
93. Sexy Sadie
94. You Won’t See Me
95. Any Time at All
96. Within You Without You
97. All I’ve Got to Do
98. Long, Long, Long
99. Yes It Is
100. Hello, Goodbye
Missão difícil...
ResponderExcluirNowhere Man
The Long and winding Road
Helter Skelter
The Fool on the Hill
Sgt Pepper
Getting Better
And Your Bird Can Sing
Good Day Sunshine
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Eleanor Rigby
I Saw Her Standing There
Hold Me tight
I'm a Loser
Strrawberry Fields
And Your bird Can Sing...
Tomorrow Never Knows
She's Leaving Home
A Day in the Life
Lucy in the Sky
Here Comes the Sun
Oh Darling
UFA! Chega, né!
Vamos tentar não citar a discografia inteira... I've Got a Feeling I Don't Want to Spoil the Party Anytime At All Tomorrow Never Knows If I Needed Someone Dear Prudence She Said She Said Day Tripper Can't Buy Me Love I Am The Walrus Dig a Pony And Your Bird Can Sing Lovely Rita Yer Blues Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End I'm Down Rain Happiness is a Warm Gun Revolution...
ResponderExcluirConcordo com as duas primeiras, mas em posições invertidas. Pra mim, "I Want to Hold Your Hand" foi o recomeço de tudo no rock. E embora eu hoje goste de "Strawberry Fields Forever", ainda guardo a primeira impressão que tive da música, quando a ouvi aos 12 anos. Achei meio estranha, esquisita, tipo "Blue Jay Way" do George Harrison.
ResponderExcluirAgora olhando melhor, tem músicas que eu não incluiria nesta lista de jeito nenhum, a saber:
ResponderExcluir"Ballad of John and Yoko" - Eu até acho divertida, mas é a típica música "só para fãs".
"Yer Blues" - Muita gritaria e uma letra deprimente. Cuidado com o que você pede!
"Love Me Do" - Apesar da importância histórica de ter sido o primeiro single oficial dos Beatles, acho fraquinha.