Imagine, segundo álbum solo de John Lennon, está sendo relançado em uma edição especial recheada de extras. Intitulada Imagine: The Ultimate Collection, a nova versão conta com nada mais nada menos do que 6 discos e 140 faixas.
O material traz 4 CDs e 2 Blu-rays, incluindo novas mixagens, versões com áudio 5.1, gravações demo e outros extras como outtakes, raridades e faixas com tracks isoladas. O box vem também com o documentário The Evolution Documentary, uma espécie de montagem de áudio que mostra como cada canção evoluiu desde a sua versão demo até a gravação final que chegou ao público. Um livro acompanha a caixa.
O título também terá versões mais enxutas disponíveis em CD duplo, CD simples, Blu-ray, DVD e LP duplo.

O tracklist completo de Imagine: The Ultimate Collection pode ser conferido abaixo:
Crippled Inside
Jealous Guy
It’s So Hard
I Don’t Wanna Be A Soldier Mama I Don’t Wanna Die
Gimme Some Truth
Oh My Love
How Do You Sleep?
Oh Yoko!
The Singles & Extras
Power To The People
Well… (Baby Please Don’t Go)
God Save Us
Do The Oz
God Save Oz
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
CD2 - The Ultimate Mixes Disc 2
New Mix in Stereo 16-44.1
Elements Mixes and Album & Single Outtakes
Elements Mixes
Imagine (strings only)
Jealous Guy (piano, bass & drums)
Oh My Love (vocals only)
How? (strings only)
Album outttakes
Imagine (demo)
Imagine (take 1)
Crippled Inside (take 3)
Crippled Inside (take 6 – alt guitar solo)
Jealous Guy (take 9)
It’s So Hard (take 6)
I Don’t Wanna Be A Soldier Mama I Don’t Wanna Die (take 11)
Gimme Some Truth (take 4)
Oh My Love (take 6)
How Do You Sleep? (takes 1 & 2)
How? (take 31)
Oh Yoko! (Bahamas 1969)
Singles outtakes
Power To The People (take 7)
God Save Us (demo)
Do The Oz (take 3)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (alt mix)
CD3 - Raw Studio Mixes
New Mix in Stereo 16-44.1
Extended Album Tracks & Outtakes – Live At Ascot Sound Studios
Extended Album Versions - Live
Imagine (take 10)
Crippled Inside (take 6)
Jealous Guy (take 29)
It’s So Hard (take 11)
I Don’t Wanna Be A Soldier Mama I Don’t Wanna Die
(take 4 – extended)
Gimme Some Truth (take 4 – extended)
Oh My Love (take 20)
How Do You Sleep? (take 11 – extended)
How? (take 40)
Oh Yoko! (take 1 extended)
Outtakes - Live
Imagine (take 1)
Jealous Guy (take 11)
I Don’t Wanna Be A Soldier Mama I Don’t Wanna Die (take 21)
How Do You Sleep? (take 1)
How Do You Sleep? (takes 5 & 6)
CD 4 - The Evolution Documentary
New Mix in Mono 16-44.1
The story of each song on a journey from demo to master via instructions, rehearsals, recordings, multitrack exploration and studio chat
Blu-ray Disc 1 – Imagine - The Ultimate Mixes
Remixed Stereo Album, Singles, Extras & Outtakes
'Imagine' - The Album
Singles & Extras
Remix in 5.1 & Stereo 24-96
The Outtakes
New Mix in 5.1 & Stereo 24-96
The Quadrasonic Mixes
Remastered in Quad 4.0 24-96
Original 1971 Quadsonic Album Remastered
Blu-ray Disc 2 – In The Studio and Deeper Listening
The Raw Studio Mixes - Extended Album Versions - Live
New Mix in 5.1 & Stereo 24-96
Experience, in immersive Surround Sound, the moment John and The Plastic Ono Band record each song live, from a sonic soundstage at the center of Ascot Sound Studios at John & Yoko’s home in Tittenhurst
The Raw Studio Mixes - Out-takes - Live
The Elements Mixes
From the Master Multitracks
New Mix in 5.1 & Stereo 24-96
Mixes from elements of the original multitracks that demonstrate some of the instrumentations from ‘behind the scenes’
The Evolution Documentary
New Mix in Mono 24-96
The story of the songs from demo to master in rehearsals, studio chat and mixed multitrack elements
Imagine John & Yoko – The Elliot Mintz Interviews
New Mix in Mono 24-96
Tribute by DJ and family friend Elliot Mintz featuring revealing, philosophical, honest and humorous interviews with John & Yoko.
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