Como já é tradição, a revista norte-americana Decibel foi a primeira a divulgar a lista de melhores discos do ano. Especializada em metal extremo, logicamente a publicação prioriza álbuns nessa linha em suas escolhas.
Com vocês, os melhores discos de 2018 na opinião da Decibel:
40 Panopticon - The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness I and II
39 Hate Eternal - Upon Desolate Sands
38 Cosmic Church - Tattymys
37 KEN mode - Loved
36 Monster Magnet - Mindfucker
35 Wake - Misery Rites
34 Thou - Magus
33 Zeal and Ardor - Stranger Fruit
32 Devouring Star - The Arteries of Heresy
31 Corrosion of Conformity - No Cross No Crown
30 Sepulcher - Panoptic Horror
29 Svalbard - It’s Hard to Have Hope
28 Horrendous - Idol
27 Abhorrence - Megalohydrothalassophobic
26 Visigoth - Conqueror’s Oath
25 Mortuous - Through Wilderness
24 Portal - Ion
23 Mournful Congregation - The Incubus of Karma
22 Sleep - The Sciences
21 Funeral Mist - Hekatomb
20 Outer Heaven - Realms of Eternal Decay
19 Varathron - Patriarchs of Evil
18 The Atlas Moth - Coma Noir
17 Tomb Mold - Manor of Infinite Forms
16 Satan - Cruel Magic
15 Chapel of Disease - …And as We Have Seen the Storm, We Have Embraced the Eye
14 Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
13 Voivod - The Wake
12 Haunt - Burst Into Flames
11 At the Gates - To Drink from the Night Itself
10 Pig Destroyer - Head Cage
9 Khemmis - Desolation
8 Immortal - Northern Chaos Gods
7 Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats - Wasteland
6 Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light
5 Judas Priest - Firepower
4 Evoken - Hypnagogia
3 UADA - Cult of a Dying Sun
2 Tribulation - Down Below
1 YOB - Our Raw Heart
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