
Livro: Iron Maiden – Uma Jornada Através da História, de Lauro Meller (2018, Editora Appris)

Review: Whitesnake – Live ... in the Heart of the City (1980)

Review: AC/DC – Stiff Upper Lip (2000)

Classicando: uma breve introdução à música erudita

5 razões pelas quais os CDs precisam retornar (e não devem morrer)

Quadrinhos: A Bruxa Margaret, de Jim Broadbent e Dix (2020, Darkside Books)

Review: The Pretty Reckless – Death by Rock and Roll (2021)

Livro: Andre Matos – O Maestro do Heavy Metal, de Eliel Vieira e Luis Aizcorbe (2020, Estética Torta)

Playlist: Andre Matos

Review: Slash’s Snakepit – It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere (1995)

Review: Grand Funk Railroad - We´re an American Band (1973)

Review: Transatlantic – The Absolute Universe (2021)

Review: Sepultura – Against (1998)

Review: Foo Fighters – Medicine at Midnight (2021)

Review: Vhäldemar – Straight to Hell (2020)

Review: The Troops of Doom – The Rise of Heresy (2020)

Review: Steven Wilson – The Future Bites (2021)