
The End So Far, álbum mais recente do Slipknot, ganha nova edição brasileira

Review: Dream Theater – Images and Words (1992)

Review: The Sisters of Mercy – First and Last and Always (1985)

Review: Ramones – Halfway to Sanity (1987)

Review: Bad Company – Straight Shooter (1975)

Review: Richie Kotzen – Nomad (2024)

Review: The Troops of Doom – A Mass to the Grotesque (2024)

Review: Luis Mariutti – Unholy (2023)

Quadrinhos: Yan Vol. 1, de Chang Sheng (2024, Comix Zone)

Review: Auro Control – The Harp (2024)

Review: Nightwish – Yesterwynde (2024)

Quadrinhos: O Céu na Cabeça, de Antonio Altarriba, Sergio García Sánchez e Lola Moral (2024, Comix Zone)

Review: Lugubra – Flores e Pedras (2024)

Review – Overkill – W.F.O. (1994)

Review: Motörhead – Snake Bite Love (1998)